About this episode:
Accounting and engaging power | Blood Brothers #15
In this episode of the Blood Brothers podcast, Dilly and Aki Hussain catch up with Ghulam “Esposito” Haydar from the Manchester-based outreach group the Myriad Foundation. #BloodBrothersPodcast #GhulamEspositoHaydar #MyriadFoundation Ghulam explains why the Myriad Foundation declined an invitation from the then Prime Minister Theresa May to attend an Eid party at Downing Street, as well as assessing some of the challenges the group may face as their national ‘Taste Ramadan’ campaign grows. Topics of discussion also include what “holding power to account” practically means, why engaging with the UK government’s controversial Prevent strategy is problematic, and the dangers of Muslim groups doing outreach and dawah projects for the sake of PR.
Meet your hosts:

Ghulam Haydar
Myriad Foundation

Dilly Hussain
Podcast Host

Aki Hussain
Podcast Host